Civil Employee Spotlight - ANDRA SHERROD

Posted by: Marsha Bills

Andra Sherrod Wraps Up a Distinguished Career in the District Clerk’s
Office Where She Has Passed on Her Knowledge to Many

After almost 24 years of service in the District Clerk’s office, civil clerk Andra Sherrod is retiring, having served in several capacities, but always bringing her insight and energy to every job.

Before joining the District Clerk’s office, Andra lived in the San Francisco Bay Area where she worked 12 years in the US Department of Energy in various capacities that enabled her to develop the flexibility she would bring to Dallas County.

Andra says that over her career, she has found the most satisfaction on the professional level learning about various positions and then passing along that knowledge to those who join the court clerk teams. Additionally, she says she has learned a great deal about the legal world from working with so many attorneys and their staff, working together to make our court systems more effective.

Customer service, says Andra, has been both challenging and rewarding, as she has worked over the years to communicate with our customers, whether they are attorneys, paralegals, or others. Through her dedication to service and communication, she has made many friends from all walks of life and she considers these lasting friendships the greatest reward, along with those of her colleagues.

She leaves behind a legacy of her example of willingness to learn, be flexible and committed to always giving her best. She credits her solid example for those who follow in her steps to her strong faith, her loving family and a strong support system.

Born and raised in Nacogdoches, Texas, in deep East Texas, Andra is a licensed cosmetologist, the mother of one daughter, grandmother to one granddaughter and enjoys her special position as church counselor at High Praise Church of God in Christ. A lover of gospel music, Andra intends to pursue sewing, bass guitar lessons, church activities, and helping her granddaughter develop her musical career.


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